Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thursday the 22nd March

We woke up early with the prospect of getting some distance, consulted Predict Wind on the internet which is usually very reliable we found . Left the ground at around 7:15landed at 7:18 my Gps was not working and I need a working road map to get into PT Augusta. Launched again and flew towards Wilmington met some south winds and had to climp over a pass near Orrorrow, but was quite smooth , was wairing for my ground crew to catch up wanted to find aout about ground winds before the big pass ahead of me . I was qute nervous climbing over the pass as the winds were supposedto be increasing from the south especially on the other side. it was a smooth as sillk flight over and a real treat to do it. Green rolling hills and a nice glide over the back with smooth air .Pt Augusta here we come , the wind was picking up , followed around the city , north of the airport and onwards to land near Iron knob about 160 km away. Yes throught the crux and happy to get away from the windy area , I think ! Had to go back to Pt Augusta as the ground crew did not stop for supplies and we are entering the area of no services ! Got food , propane , gas and Macdonalds ! Flew another small flight in the afternoon , we know the wind is picking up and we hit it , down after 20km , trying to make Kimba this evening would be nice , Predict wind says lots of wind tomorrow !

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