Saturday, November 17, 2007

What day is it ?

I woke up this morning and i don't have a clue what the date is and i don't care, how cool is that !
It has been a couple of days of driving here and their and lots of phone calls ! The end results are the bike ran low on oil , i guess it pushed out thru the exhaust and the top end over heated ! So something must have let loose to cause the oil to run low , i just did an oil change 10 days earlier. I didn't check the oil the day i left but had done 3 days earlier , so where did it all go ? Well Kawasaki covered the problems and said they would rebuild the top end but not everything ... I was not happy with this ... it over heated and i still have to ride this bike down into South America. I decided to buy a new bike with a fresh engine . It's funny but i have been complaining to peachly about this engine since before the trip started, saying that something did not feel right with it . It would pop alot comming down hills, backfire many times and run rough in some sections . It was like the valves were not shimmed right or timming was off . I took it to a dealer in Carson city and he said not to worry about it , that the valves don't need adjusting and it was probably the altitude. hmmmm So today i bought a new bike and will ride the old one back to Canada in the springtime... today i swap everything over and put some breakin miles on it. Fun Fun . Now i'm holding us in Las Vegas... thanks peach and gabreille for being so patient .... so it continues !

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